
Ironically the idea of thinking from my heart started when I was in a state of depression. I created little stories and drawings that reminded me of a lot of things. These illustrations showed me that even though I was in confined in my own room, that I was still alive and living.
Instead of listening to what people told me in the past, it was my heart that was talking. My heart showed me little paintings, and in a time where I was in despair and aching, it was my heart that showed me characters that I could interact with during my depression.
Every person has their way own of coping with misery, and mine was the birth of my creative side. These characters would be my way of interacting with myself, and the fictional world around me. They taught me what it was to live life when my friends in the real world couldn’t be there for me. And ironically, my own creations became characters of the stories that I write about now. I didn’t know this low phase would show me my greatest strength – my heart and the stories in them. “The Little Heart People” started then. It’s an artistic way to show how life is in my way. I also realized that they are stories that my dad and Grandmother told me.
The heart people became a new way for my art and everything is starting to be a lot more colorful around me.